May 19, 2023 by admin 0 Comments

The Korean Society of Medical 3D Printing is hosting the ‘Global Forum on Regenerative Medicine and Advanced Biotechnology,’ with Rokit Healthcare as the main organizer

The Korean Society of Medical 3D Printing announced on the 19th that it will host the “Global Forum on Regenerative Medicine and Advanced Biotechnology 2023” on the 31st of this month at the Walkerhill Hotel in Seoul. The event is sponsored by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Science and ICT, co-hosted by the Seoul Economic Daily and the Korean Society of Medical 3D Printing, and organized by Rokit Healthcare.

The forum will bring together domestic and international experts in regenerative medicine and advanced biotechnology to discuss the latest trends in the global bio market, industrialization cases, and policy directions. Presentations will be delivered by Jeffrey Glenn, Professor at Stanford School of Medicine; Um Min-yong, Lead Researcher at Hyundai Motor Securities; and Dr. Kim Ji-hee, CTO and President of the Skin Regeneration SBU at Rokit Healthcare.

Professor Jeffrey Glenn is also a prominent bio-entrepreneur who has founded five companies and successfully listed two on NASDAQ. In a previous interview, Professor Glenn praised Korea’s strong potential in biotechnology and scientific expertise, noting that the country is well-prepared to respond to future pandemics. He also highlighted that Korea has the opportunity to become a leader in the advanced bio market through the convergence of digital, AI, and big data technologies.

Um Min-yong, Lead Researcher at Hyundai Motor Securities, will discuss the current state and investment outlook of Korea’s regenerative medicine and advanced biotechnology markets. He is responsible for the pharmaceutical and biotech sector at Hyundai Motor Securities and was named Best Analyst in 2021 and 2022. Previously, he served as the Head of the New Drug Research Team at the Central Research Institute of Anguk Pharmaceutical.

Dr. Kim Ji-hee, CTO and President of the Skin Regeneration SBU at Rokit Healthcare, will present on Rokit Healthcare’s R&D and global expansion efforts. The company’s technology, which utilizes AI and 3D bioprinting, is being applied in regenerative medicine in real-world healthcare settings, such as organ regeneration in hospital operating rooms. Rokit Healthcare is also actively engaged in research, including a project for kidney disease treatment, which has been selected as a part of the Pan-Governmental Regenerative Medicine Technology Development Program.

Following the presentations, a special panel discussion will be led by Kwon Soon-yong, Honorary Chairman and founder of the Korean Society of Medical 3D Printing. Kwon is currently a professor of orthopedic surgery at Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital and has previously founded and served as the first and second president of Eunpyeong St. Mary’s Hospital. Panelists will include Eun Seong-ho, Director of the Advanced Regenerative Medicine Support Division at the Ministry of Health and Welfare; Professor Han Seung-kyu, former President of the Korean Wound Management Society and a plastic surgeon at Korea University College of Medicine; and Professor Park Ji-man from Seoul National University School of Dentistry.

Online pre-registration for the forum is available on the Seoul Forum website until the 23rd, and participation is free of charge. The forum will provide simultaneous interpretation in English and Korean, and live viewing will be available on the Rokit Healthcare YouTube channel on the day of the event.