Universal Multi-purpose Media For Adult Stem Cells

HUMA Media
about Huma Media
The Unprecedented Media for Human Primary MSC culture

Huma Media is a human adult stem cell culture media that is produced by cGMP and has undergone strict quality inspection.

about Huma Media
What is HUMA Media?

Huma Media is a Xeno-free culture media optimized for culturing human adult stem cells that has never been seen before. It is a product that can be used in phase I to IV depending on the mixing ratio.

Meticulously Phased Smart Media
Phase I
Cell attachment
Phase II-III
Stabilization / proliferation
Phase IV
Proliferation & Stemness Maintenance
HUMA-Media Tech Xeno-Free GMP-certified MSC Media Kit Performance

HUMA Media growth rate comparison

Accumulated total cell number


Fig.1 Population doubling time is tightly maintained during extended period for all three MSC types.

Fig.2 Population double level(PDL) showed high performance; All cell types showed doubling within 20hrs range during late passage stages. BMSC and WJSC showed average 10 hrs PDL.

Cell size

Fig3. Endogenous MSC size is known as near 10μm range and primary MSC size after first passage has known to be 14μm~20μm. Cell size is directly related to cell senescence and performance as an adult stem cell. MSC culture in HUMA-media over 7 passages shows excellent cell size maintenance in all three stem cell types; Bone Marrow MSC, Adipose derived MSC and Wharton’s Jelly MSC.

Cell Viability

Fig4. In HUMA-media, cell viability has maintained over 98% in relatively old passaging stage for all three MSC cell types.

Cell Surface Marker (FACS)

Fig5. Highly distinctive MSC surface marker has been identified for passage 7 cell types (BMSC, ADSC and WJSC).


Fig6. Expansion with HUMA-media retains tri-lineage passage 5, 6, 7 differentiation potential.

Product Info
HUMA-Media Tech Xeno-Free MSC Media Kit
Cell culture and expansion
Shelf-life 6 Months at 4 ⁰C
Cell Type
Human Primary/Stem Cells;
Neonatal Dermal Fibroblasts,
Bone-Marrow MSC, Adipose derived MSC,
Smooth Muscle Cells, Dermal Papilla Cells,
Warton’s Jelly MSC, Dental Pulp Stem Cells
No plate coating needed
500 ㎖ RUO
(custom manufacturing available)

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